It Says “Fall” To Me

In the part of the world where I live, the seasons don’t always start and end according to the calendar.  Summer starts before Memorial Day and  lasts well past Labor Day. So how do we really know what season it is?

Here are some of the things that tell me Fall is arriving:

The cultivated Asters bloom.  They’re the end of my perennials.

That daily text I get from the radio station usually includes the word “rain”,

we’ll have the occasional “one-dog-night”,


and my Beasts take steps to insure their winter food supply.

(And start arranging their bedding just so.)

I get the urge to buy (and wear) soft, fuzzy things …

… and fuzzy things show up in my yard.

Scattered whispy and puffy clouds are replaced by massive flat-bottomed ones.

(Yes, I DO see a cat guarding its food dish in those clouds!)


We have the traditional changes in the foliage, but the light across the landscape also changes. (Maybe because of those flat-bottomed clouds?)  Distant buildings glow.

Summer plants succumb to frost and the mums are available to the stray bees

… surely Fall is arriving.


Time to pull out the trash can and cook some turkey!

(Bet you didn’t see that one coming!)

Fall Into The Fog

One foggy morning in September …

Inspiration for jewelry makers


Temp frame for the Old Towne

Burning Bush Buds

Burning Bush Buds Collage

Garden hose (There's a dog in this shot!) (Really)

A Tie Than Binds

Spider-String Art

Holey Hammock Web Dissected

Soggy Spider Silk collage

I LOVE the face on this spider's back!

Plant Part Reflected

Not All Drops Are Round! (And sometimes they spit!!!)

When will this drip drop?

Dragon's Face (I thought they were supposed to breathe fire!)

And do you see the Sprite?

How 'Bout That Water Fowl?

Oak parts collage

After the drop has dripped


That ‘!’ pretty well sums it up!  I love what the fog does to the yard. :~)