366 Week Thirty-six

Week 36

Decked out in his best camo shell, The Snail quietly observed The Guppy behavior known as ‘Chaining’.

September 8 — Snail Camo

September 7 — Four O’Clocks

I’d like to be

Under the sea

In an octopus’s garden in the shade

— The Beatles

September 6 — In The Garden

 It’s actually a yellow and brown moth, but I like his eyes with this processing.

(They show up best at full size)

September 5 –  Xanthotype Moth

Unfortunately, flies aren’t real satisfying Hide-&-Seek opponents.

(But they’re not bad at photobombing)

September 4 — Hide-&-Seek

September 3 – Bonnie The Buck (a Curious Beast) Meets Baby Human

Not only did I get to feed the horses and get their pictures, I also had some fun with processing when I got home! :~)
Sampson wandered over when he saw me … no enthusiasm, so he got blue.
Arial has grown to be the biggest of the three.
Diamond’s was my favorite running shot. I love what twirling did to his face!

September 2 — Of Different Colors