Week 40
September 29 — Meeting An Alpaca/Meeting A Little Girl
Big Warehouse Stores sell big hold-me’s that these little aficionadas found irresistible.
September 28 — So Many Hold-Me’s, So Little Time
I love the lips on fish known as Mollies.
This Lyretail Molly is a fairly new denizen of my Big Tank.
Who knew she’d be seriously buck-toothed?
(Just kidding. Mollies don’t have teeth. And they say the camera doesn’t lie!) :~)
September 27 — Is There An Orthodontist In The House?
Today, this Cory catfish laid a bunch of eggs on the walls of the tank.
Since she’s the only catfish in there, they’ll most likely get eaten by her tank mates.
(That’s what happened the other time she did this.)
September 26 — Catfish & Eggs
I thought this looked like a cat face.
Maybe even a roaring-type of cat’s face!
September 25 — Meow!
Spontaneous Combustion! In my yard! (How cool is that?) :~)
September 24 — Spontaneous Combustion
September 23 — Â WarriorÂ