Week 45
A ring on my kid’s finger …
the Year Of The Rhino drawing to a close …
Yeah. There are changes in our future.
November 3 — Changes
Ornamental grass by the neighbor’s pool — as the sun comes up
November 2 — Here Comes The Sun
Boy! Nothing makes the dirt more obvious than starting to clean something!
November 1 — Pressured
October 31 — Trunk Or Treat
Although Vincent had a rather large collection of motivational tapes, nothing really resonated with him until he discovered the Hall’s Cough Drop wrappers with their pithy wisdom.
October 30 — Inspiring
Whitetail Deer Bones
We found these in the woods in Middle Tennessee.
Apparently this was a big-un. :~)
October 29 — Bones
Her newest trick is standing to explore the fridge. :~)
October 28 — Exploring