Week 17
April 28 — Shadow Of (Lady)Bugs To Come
April 27 — Ladybug Larvae I Have Known
You know how, when you’re taking pictures, one thing leads to another? :~D
April 26 –Â Dead Mosquito On A Flashlight
Vincent was, once again(!), bewildered by the circumstances in which he found himself.
April 25 — Lost In A Dream
*No laws were broken in the making of this picture. :~)
April 24 — Yeeeeee-haaaaaaaw!
 While his horn was out for repairs, Vincent experienced a heightened sense of smell that lent new meaning to the term “Heady Aroma”
  April 23 — Sense Of Smell
I made this Tool Box & Push Stick for my Farm Shop class in college.
My mother mounted them on her kitchen wall.
Now they’re on MY kitchen wall.
(Perhaps some day they’ll grace the kitchen wall in one of my kids’ houses.)
April 22 — Tool Box