An Evening At The Watering Hole

Vincent Van ‘No had lived In Town for several months when he decided that it was time to meet some of his Fellow Beasts.  He’d heard wonderful things about a Swanky Place located on the West-Hand side of  The City — The Watering Hole.



Still a bit embarrassed about his recent ear-ectomy, Vincent donned his

Best Hat

(which was quite fashionable back in The Jungle)

and skipped off for his Adventure. 





When he got to The Watering Hole, the first thing Vincent noticed was that

NOBODY  who was going in was wearing a hat.

(He stashed his in a nearby bush.)

The Watering Hole was a lively place, full of Colorful Characters from every species!

Vincent, who had always thought of himself as Very Gregarious, found himself Shy and Awkward in this setting — in fact, the term “Wall Flower” repeated itself in his head like a Scratched CD! :~þ


Just when Vincent was Thoroughly Disgusted with his Own Behavior,



a Cute Little Monkey offered him a bite of her banana.


Although he politely declined the Banana Bite,


the proverbial Ice Was Broken and Vincent found a New Friend in The Cute Little Monkey.

Eventually, The Cute Little Monkey was called away, but by then, Vincent had re-gained His Confidence and decided to strike up A Conversation with The Hippo.

While not quite as Colorful a Character as some of The Other Beasts, The Hippo was Kindly and Gracious and he and Vince exchanged email addresses.

All in all, Vincent had a Wonderful Evening at The Watering Hole.

He and his New Friends looked forward to getting to know each other and Many, Many, Many Enjoyable Times Together.

The End.